Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Both the Left and the Right have always found an enemy in Empire, since the beginning.

Vote Whig.

No, but seriously, people who currently define themselves as rightwing invariably feel that they are the modern extension of a continuum of liberty and freedom-loving that the Founders organized against Empire (or despotism, or statism, or tyranny, or whatever,) and that has continued against the principles of Empire, such as the Republican party rejecting slavery, and Ronald Reagan promoting free market solutions to the problems that the people are faced with.

The average person who prefers the Left's definition of Empire (or greed, or hate, or intolerance, or unfairness, or however they see it,) usually chooses to focus on the power that gets overly concentrated when people (whose parents and grandparents became wealthy in the vibrant market that liberty provided for everyone,) but then choose to turn their back on freedom and betray the principles of Capitalism, and do everything they can do to centralize power in the elite politicians and agencies they've made friends with. The fact that people on the left actually think that only Republicans do this, and that if Democrats do it, it must be for a "good reason" is simply evidence that Empire has been more successful in its propaganda in demonizing the Right than it has been in demonizing the Left.

Both Left and Right, in turn, still have those that believe they can reveal the actual demon that is Empire, or whatever you want to call it, and the true believers on either side are still pretty sure that it resides on the other side, rather than below them both. Looking at all humanity as a whole, it is the ones who actually do promote real Empire that either believe themselves, or at least would like everyone else to believe that they are rather above, than below the rest.

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