Tuesday, January 11, 2011

It makes as much sense to blame these deranged actions on vitriolic speech, right or left, as it does to call this tragedy "jew on jew violence" And I'm with the father of murdered little girl on this, when I say that it's also crazy to try to use this as an excuse to legislate new limits on sane people's freedoms. It's sad that law enforcement failed to prevent this, but it's just that: sad. Can you blame government officials when they can't seem to sufficiently do the few tasks that they actually are supposed to be responsible for doing, or for failing to enforce the few gun controls that everybody actually agrees should be in place, and then want to deflect the conversation away from their failures?
I guess you just have to remember when you vote next time, do you reward the clown who can't seem to juggle the balls they've got in the air right now, with a couple other apples and oranges to try and juggle too?

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