Saturday, May 31, 2008

Bob Hargate posted recently about Hemet:

Friday, May 30, 2008


We all go through trials in this mortal life, but sometimes we have to put other things through their paces, ourselves.
Recently I have been giving tineye a try.
It works about as well as expected. It currently allows registered users (those you sign up, wait for, receive, and then activate their invitations,) a chance to search a database of online photos. This ccan be done by entering the url of a photo you want to search for in the search field, or you can also upload photos from your own computer, as well.
They admit to having a limited database, but so far it works pretty well. Any of the photos and images that I expected it to recognize, it recognized, such as company logos, even one's I've edited or changed slightly.
The very first photo that I tried, and in fact was the reason that I wanted to try tineye, was from a story on Digg that showed a guy supposedly jumping from cliff to cliff at the Grand Canyon.
TinEye easily recognized the photo and provided me with a list of other sites where the photo, and similar photos could be located. I eventually discovered the Flickr page where it originated, and a Snopes site debunking some of the claims in the Digg article.
Of course, most of my own personal photos didn't even register in the system, and even if they had, there would only be a few sites in the results list, such as my Flickr page, and my .Mac gallery.

I have also been trying out Firefox 3 for Mac.

Vertical Saint Mary Lake Sunrise

Holy shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

What is this?

What is this?
Originally uploaded by BY-YOUR-⌘
I need botanical help...

Sunday, May 25, 2008

I am not going to prom.
Thanks, Ira Glass.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

While I wait for my TinEye invitation...

When I was a kid in at Stratford Landing Elementary School, outside of Washington D.C., there were a few times that we had music classes or watched filmstrips and slideshows, that really got into my psyche. Unfortunately, despite my strong emotional ties to the artistic content of these presentation, I often have an extremely difficult time remembering key aspects of these experiences. Computers and the internet have been such a crutch to me, or at least it seems like it is the only thing I can blame for my horrendously inaccurate memory, and I have come to the conclusion that if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. So I begin a new quest of recording everything important to me in blogs, hard drives, ipods, and any other form of electronic brain-sink that I can find.

One thing that came back to me was Danse Macabre by Saint-Saƫns, which Google and Wikipedia helped me to find, and iTunes allowed me to purchase for my very own. Luckily I didn't have to rely on for help, as I was able to recall the 'death' 'dance' and 'xylophone' parts of the song.

However, for a many long years I have been hoping that the internet will provide us with a new type of useful search tool.
Google has done wonders, but it has not yet added to its arsenal anything like midomi, nor some of the other things that my heart so desires. I still hope that audio search can be improved, as there is this one song, from a filmstrip that showed something like nature or the woods, and the music seemed really melancholy and slow. But, midomi doesn't recognize my singing it. Maybe they could add a piano keyboard on their site so i could play the tune directly into the search; or perhaps it has more to do with their database not being thorough enough to include a song of such little importance.

Anyway, there is one other type of search that I have been trying to find.
A special type of search site that allows you to search for images, or fragments of images, by using...
wait for it...
the images that you upload as the search term itself.

Well I heard Amber MacArthur talking about on some podcast. (I don't remember whether it was net at nite, net@nite, ⌘-N, CommandN, or some other, but I had to find it, and luckily one of my googles finally came up with something:

which I really like the name, and I wonder if I have a tin ear, tin eye and tin brain.

So I've signed up for an invitation. Hopefully, it will be able to provide us all with something we have been missing out on*, and hopefully it won't be too expensive to implement. Maybe Google will get involved, as they did with map searching, aerial photograph surfing, 3d model searching and the like. I also hope that Yahoo and Flickr will play along, as well as Microsoft's new image thingy, Photosynth, won't be strangers. But, I doubt it.

Coming soon,
I try out
I compare Firefox3 to Firefox2 and Safari on a Mac.
I make a Garageband of that song I have stuck in my head.


No, Oz never did give nothing to the Tin Man
That he didn't, didn't already have...

Friday, May 23, 2008

Mad TV - Office Talk - You know Roger...

This is where we get the whole "Midnight Golfer" thing from.

Midnight Golfing

Originally uploaded by Andreas Reinhold
Better than a sink full of turtlenecks!

♪ Un rayo de ☼ ♫

♪ Un rayo de ☼ ♫
Originally uploaded by TaRiFa2007

Roses may be red, but violets are indeed violet.

Nothing rhymes with purple,
not even Nigel.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

I believe I will be trying disqus.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Moon-set Sunrise

Moon-set Sunrise
Originally uploaded by BY-YOUR-⌘
I realize that this may be a once in a lifetime fluke, and it is sheer luck that it turned out exactly as I envisioned it.
This morning I just set up the tripod, aimed the camera and hoped for the best.
I'm a little sad that I probably will never have another chance to do this.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Negative Space

fire station
Originally uploaded by jessebmoore
Current leader in my search for negative space.
Almost anti-matter.


Originally uploaded by BY-YOUR-⌘
Maybe I'll remake this as a Tilt-Shift Fake.
\Maybe Not.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Silence is golden, but duct tape is silver.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

I can't believe how much I miss my Jeep right now :.-(

watching DaVinci's Inquest - a truly entertaining Canadian cops and robbers show - in English, although it IS pretty good in Spanish.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

OranGe expreSSion

OranGe expreSSion
Originally uploaded by TaRiFa2007
where i'm at

CHDK showed me how to program my camera! I am currently waiting for it to run a 2-hour script right now.
