I can't complain, but sometimes I still do... It feels like I'm living in a dryer vent, and instead of fabric softener they've used a squid.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
if you want to see for yourself, goto
http://ping.fm/vLFmf & search for "The Council shall be exempt" - btw, 552 of title 5 = FOIA
Attn American high schoolers. A gift. Make the rest of the world choke on its own words. Turn off The Daily Show, watch http://bit.ly/4w7cA3
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Things I learned on the internet today. For free:
"Soviet" basically meant "community council" in Russian.
These were used as a blind while creating the Russian terror-state.
"Terrorism and Communism" was written by Trotsky.
Trotsky and Lenin were monsters like unto Che, Stalin, Mao and Hitler,
This same terror machine was turned against one of its architects in 1940, when Stalin sent the Spaniard (George Orwell's Spanish-tutor in Barcelona)
Ramon Mercadera, (accompanied by his mom,) to smash in Trotsky's skull with a pick-axe in Mexico.
Trotsky died a day after the attack.
Mercadera was convicted in a trial in 1940, ten years later fingerprint evidence was able to confirm it was him, and then in 1960 he was let free.
(Well, he was moved from prison in Mexico to Cuba - where he was greeted as a hero, and within a year was back in Moscow, again, their hero.)
Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera could have made it in Jerry Springer.
"People" and "Republic" tend to lose their meaning among certain people (who have no use for them.)
What we call "Nam" was also the "Second Indochina War"
"One point that neither the Americans nor the French seemed to grasp, was the concept of sanctuary. As long as the revolutionaries who are fighting a guerilla war have a sanctuary, in which they can hide out, recoup after losses, and store supplies, it is almost impossible for any foreign enemy to ever destroy them."
Monday, July 26, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
http://bit.ly/a0MEZ1 It's precisely this type of partisan perfidy for the very principles of journalism that's putting them out of business.