Wednesday, December 23, 2009

When I realize the commandment I am weakest to keep is, "Thou shalt not covet;" I also realize that it's the one Leftists despise above all.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Come now Spain. Universidade de Vigo is carrying the water for the entire nation on iTunesU & are there any video podcasts originating here?

Monday, December 21, 2009

Bait and Switch, Telefonica Style - Movistar Engaña a Un Pringado Más

I ordered an iPhone from the only officially authorized source of iPhones in Spain: Movistar. It's the mobile / cell phone branch of the telecom monster, Telefonica.
As you can see, they did not send me an iPhone, but if I open the package any further, I will have even more difficulty than I am already in for, in trying to send it back, to get what I've paid for.

Orange, not to be outdone, will not let me unblock my old phone, that I purchased through them over 2 years ago, so I am stuck, with no working cell phone. I KNEW I NEVER SHOULD HAVE BITTEN THE APPLE OF TEMPTATION, BUT SHOULD HAVE WAITED FOR iPhones TO BE OFFICIALLY CARRIER FREE!!!!! I even had an actual bad dream about getting screwed again, (not kidding,) and I still went for the bait.

My Nokia died recently. Coincidentally, Movistar had offered me a free iPhone, plus 30% discount on monthly plan. Bastards sent a Palm Pre!

Despicable, Telefonica Movistar, and Orange, too! If you change carriers in Spain, better not forget to get your phone's unlock code first!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Governing a great nation is like cooking a small fish - too much handling will spoil it.
Lao Tzu

Lame viral marketing ploy: vodafone_es tries a wikipedia scam.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Heavy weights, or a pole wedged in between the seat and the roof of the cab, should have been obvious to the writers of Lie to Me. Sheesh.

Monday, December 14, 2009

If a company uses my voiceprint for customer service, without asking, is that an invasion of privacy? GPS/cell triangulation for language?

Sunday, December 13, 2009

If the human brain is supposed to be such an impressive, and difficult to emulate super-computer, why is it so bad at math?

World's Largest Earthquake Shake Test in Japan

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Living so close to such a blatant hypocrite could lead to tiredness and irritability, if I let it.


Friday, December 11, 2009

vain ... much disturbed ...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Free #Cuba political prisoner #DarsiFerrer NOW! Libren a Darsi Ferrer YA! Viva los derechos humanos #DDHHCuba

Monday, December 7, 2009

Wow, plenty of B.S. in NPR's podcasts this week.

Obama's Speech Made Zo Rant.


It was only 68 years ago?! And they still speak Japanese in Japan! I wonder if any 2 peoples in earth's history were so quick to move on?

Moving Beyond the Fake Stimulus: Reviewing Policies that Produce Real Growth

That'll learn 'em.
You think you know, but you have no idea.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Just in case anyone wonders what is my top Christmas wish?

Eric Holder could resign.

Friday, December 4, 2009

The difference between 'too much' and 'not enough' ground cumin is so difficult to measure, and yet an attempt is always worthwhile somehow.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Ugh! After just under 4 yrs, I have to give up on my N80, & standing up for Nokia. 2 screens, 5 firmware flashes. Slider phone = dead :.^(

Keynesian Economics Is Wrong: Bigger Gov't Is Not Stimulus

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The way to write American music is simple. All you have to do is be an American and then write any kind of music you wish.
- Virgil Thomson

Juan Carlos Hidalgo comenta realidad latinoamericana en VOA
